Telehealth for You
Download the resource here: PalliativeCare-Paediatric-Palliative-Care-Telehealth-flyer-2024.pdfKeeping in contact with you at home by phone or video
Telehealth communication provides easy access to your specialist team for support, assessment, and connection. This information sheet has been written to help you to get the most out of your online video calls. We have described the best home handy hints on working with the technology to make it easy and comfortable to use this support with clinical teams. It has been developed from the latest information available; much of which was developed during the COVID epidemic.
Telehealth is another tool in the toolkit to look after you. When we can see each other,it can be easier to see and assess for signs of symptoms and talk about things. Most services can provide support from all team members using telehealth including medical assessment, therapy sessions and general check-ins.