I am a Health Professional

The role of a paediatric palliative care health professional is rewarding but can be emotionally challenging.

Your work is important and makes a difference for infants, children, young people and their families.

The provision of high quality paediatric palliative care for every infant, child, young person and their families involves collaboration between the child, family and caregivers, and multidisciplinary health care professionals.

Healthcare professionals have a diverse range of skills, knowledge and experience to ensure that the child and family or carers needs are met. Throughout this time, the family and cares role as experts in their child’s care is acknowledged and respected.

Our role in supporting you

This website has been co-designed with health care professionals, support organisations, and families to provide quality information, and resources about paediatric palliative care as well as a National Service Directory in one easily accessible location.

This website provides specific paediatric palliative care information, resources, educational tools and self-care tips for health professionals.

To provide feedback or contributions to the website, please contact paediatrics@palliativecare.org.au

How to get involved

There is a strong sense of enthusiasm around the opportunities that the Shaping the Future of Paediatric Palliative Care Project creates for strengthening collaboration between stakeholders and families, including improving information and services for families with children with high medical needs and life-limiting conditions.

The Paediatric Palliative Care Project Team is establishing a stakeholder engagement group to participate in activities during the project. Professionals working in services supporting children and young people with life-limiting conditions and their families are invited to complete a survey and register their interest.