Walking alongside adolescents and young adults at the end of life

This podcast contains content that may be confronting and distressing to some listeners. If you are feeling upset or uncomfortable at any time and need support, please follow up with your support networks.
In this podcast, we hear from parents reflecting on the experiences of their adolescents who endured the complexities of their terminal illness.
Adolescents and young adults are unique, with distinctive developmental needs and challenges. Adolescence is a time of emerging autonomy, fledgling independence, development of self-identity and connection with peers. Adolescents with life limiting conditions are confronted with considering their own mortality and face complex developmental and spiritual contradictions. Adolescents require an opportunity to be involved in their care decisions, address unfinished business, voice their own wishes, have their hopes acknowledged and live full lives.
Season Two of the podcast series Life, Love and Loss is a collaboration between The Royal Children's Hospital, Victorian Paediatric Palliative Care Program and Palliative Care Australia, funded as part of the Paediatric Palliative Care National Action Plan Project. This Project received grant funding from the Australian Government. We warmly thank the parents who have generously taken part in this series.