Health Professionals - Interested in Shaping the Future of Paediatric Palliative Care?

We are excited to announce the formation of a diverse stakeholder engagement group for the Shaping the Future of Paediatric Palliative Care Project. We invite dedicated professionals like you to register your interest by completing our survey.

  • This project presents a unique opportunity to enhance collaboration between stakeholders and families, and will focus on increasing skills of the workforce through dedicated communication training and the development of clinical guidelines to enhance the safety and quality of care provided to infants, children, young people and their families.   
  • The Project will implement strategies to increase access to quality paediatric palliative care through the development of improved referral strategies, and a Transition Pathway to empower young people and families, assisting them in preparing for and transitioning between paediatric and adult palliative care services. 
  • To raise awareness and promote consistent messaging, the Project will maintain and expand the paediatric palliative care website launched in 2022, serving as a trusted source of information and resources. 

Join us in this vital endeavor by participating in our engagement activities. Your expertise and insights are invaluable. Complete the survey today to express your interest and contribute to meaningful change in paediatric palliative care.