Sharing our experiences of Caring for an infant with a life limiting or terminal diagnosis – an educational series created by parents for parents

We are so sorry that you have found yourself on this page. We too are families that have had a baby with a life limiting or terminal diagnosis. There is nothing we can do to change those heartbreaking words.

We hope that by sharing with you our children’s stories, our coping strategies, what’s helpful, ways to bond with your baby and make memories, answering some of those questions and hard thoughts that you might find some strength, some light, some hope and less fear of what paediatric palliative care looks like for your family.

The following modules developed by Tara, Melissa, Priyanka and Rachael and Jonny include videos, podcasts, reflective journals and videos developed generously by several health professionals.

Take care of yourself as you watch, hear and read these stories. Don’t forget your health care team are there to support you.  We have also developed a list of support organisations that you may find helpful.

Support Organisations

You are not alone

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Gately & Annika DeHoog for graciously providing the stunning images featured throughout this resource. Their visually captivating work beautifully aligns with our topic, and we deeply appreciate their generosity in allowing us to incorporate these visuals into our resources.

  • Theme 1 – You don’t know what you don’t know

    In this module we hear from Tara, Melissa, Priyanka and Rachael and Jonny. They will each share with you the top things they want you…

  • Theme 2 - Perinatal palliative care – finding out that your baby has a life limiting or terminal diagnosis during pregnancy

    There are four sections in this module – Bonding and creating memories with your baby during pregnancy, Continuing your pregnancy in uncertainty, medically interrupted pregnancy…

  • Theme 3 – Advocating and being a voice for your baby.

    In this module we hear from Tara, Melissa, Priyanka and Rachael and Jonny on how they used their voices to advocate for their babies and…

  • Theme 4 – Family and friends support – when it helps and when it hurts

    Having an infant with a life limiting or terminal diagnosis is an unfathomably difficult time where you need family and friends to rally around and…

  • Theme 5 – Counselling

    In this module you hear from Tara, Melissa, Priyanka and Rachael on their experience with counselling during their pregnancy, whilst their baby was alive and…

  • Theme 6 – Grief and loss

    Grief and loss doesn’t start after your infant has died, it starts when you find out that your child has a life limiting or terminal…

  • Theme 7 – The roller coaster of emotions

    In this module the families talk about the anxiety, the hard thoughts and the guilt and regret that they had after finding out that their…

  • Theme 8 – Bonding and Making memories

    In this module you hear how Tara, Melissa, Priyanka and Rachael and Jonny bonded and made lasting memories with their children. They also share how…

  • Theme 9 – Balancing everyday life and having a child receiving palliative care

    In this module you hear how Tara, Melissa, Priyanka and Rachael and Jonny navigated their everyday life whilst caring for their child has a life…

  • Theme 10 – A dad's perspective – please see me too

    In this module we hear from Jonny who shares the treasured moments he spent with his daughter Mackenzie, the memories they created, the time they…
