You Can't Ask That: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Dying is difficult in any language. The power of words, actions, and human behaviour can have an enormous impact on the way families experience their palliative care journey.

This series of 10 conversations draws upon real-life experiences; we hear from families as they reflect on their child’s life and the palliative care they did (or didn’t) receive.

The issues and emotions raised in this space can be challenging. If you feel upset or uncomfortable at any time, please take a break, look after yourself and think about following up with your support networks.

Support Organisations

  • Grief Australia (formerly ACGB):
  • Parentline:
  • Beyond Blue:
  • Lifeline:
  • Canteen:
  • Young Carers Network:
  • Kids Helpline: Phone:
  • Headspace: Phone:

Contact details

  • 1800 642 066
  • 1300 30 1300
  • 1300 22 4636
  • 13 11 14
  • 1800 835 932
  • 1800 422 737
  • 1800 55 1800
  • 1800 650 890

  • Episode 1 - What is your paediatric palliative care story?

    In this episode we hear from families who draw upon their real-life experiences to answer the question "What is your paediatric palliative care story?"

  • Episode 2 - The worst thing a health professional said to you?

    In this episode we hear from families who draw upon their real-life experiences to answer the question "Episode 2 - The worst thing a health…

  • Episode 3 - Did you ever make a complaint?

    In this episode we hear from families who draw upon their real-life experiences to answer the question "Did you ever make a complaint?"

  • Episode 4 - Were there health professionals who stood out, and why?

    In this episode we hear from families who draw upon their real-life experiences to answer the question "Were there health professionals who stood out, and…

  • Episode 5 - What do you know now that you wish you had known before?

    In this episode we hear from families who draw upon their real-life experiences to answer the question "What do you know now that you wish…

  • Episode 6 - Given what you have been through how do you keep going?

    In this episode we hear from families who draw upon their real-life experiences to answer the question "Given what you have been through how do…

  • Episode 7 -What do you say following the death of a child?

    In this episode we hear from families who draw upon their real-life experiences to answer the question "What do you say following the death of…

  • Episode 8 - What is the best thing someone has done for you?

    In this episode we hear from families who draw on their real-life experiences to answer the question "What is the best thing someone has done…

  • Episode 9 - If you were Health Minister for a day, what would you do?

    In this episode we hear from families who draw upon their real-life experiences to answer the question"If you were Health Minister for a day, what…

  • Episode 10 -What do you want the world to know about your child?

    In this episode we hear from families drawing upon their real-life experiences to answer the question "What do you want the world to know about…
