
Dimitria Patrinos

WCHN: Psychosocial Clinical Lead, Paediatric Palliative Care Service and Alongside Grief + Loss Program Coordinator
With 24 years of Social Work experience, Dimitria has an extensive background spanning private, public, community, health care, rehabilitation, disability, and palliative care settings for both adults and children. She has held various roles including direct clinical practice, Team Leader, and Clinical Lead. Since June 2023 Dimi has worked for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital Network in the roles of Psychosocial Clinical Lead, Paediatric Palliative Care Service and Coordinator of the Alongside Grief and Loss Program. Throughout these positions, Dimitria has maintained a clinical caseload, offering practical support and counselling to patients and families in community, hospital, and hospice settings, including bereavement follow-up.   An executive member of Palliative Care Social Work Australia (PCSWA), Dimi contributed towards the development of the "Palliative and End of Life Care Social Work Standards" alongside other palliative care Social Workers in 2018.