“ Who will care for me when I get older? ” Facilitating difficult conversations with dying children and their families
Oral Presentation
October 14th 2022 at 10:00am
Institution: Gold Coast University Hospital Queensland - Queensland, Australia
As Rio deteriorated and end of life was approaching his parents requested guidance to talk with both boys aboutRio’s disease progression and pending death, as they did not want to regret avoiding these challenging conversations. In doing this, the parents hoped to help their sons communicate what really mattered to them in the remaining time they all had together.
Toclarify the boys understanding of Rio’s continuous decline in physical function a trusted health professional offered Rio’s parents strategies to initiate these conversations. This presentation will demonstrate that although Rio had very limited verbal communication, with an interprofessional approach, this family was able to explore and understand their individual and collective experiences. The family were supported to openly share their grief, disappointment, love, treasured memories, spiritual beliefs and wishes with one another.