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We’re all ears…Conversation tools supporting advance care planning in paediatrics

Oral Presentation

October 14th 2022 at 11:00am

Institution: Paediatric Palliative Care Service, Queensland Children's Hospital - Queensland, Australia

Have you had the conversation?” is a question quietly posed by clinicians, in the care of a child or young person with a life limiting condition (LLC) and their family; oft-proffered when they become acutely unwell. The question emerges as treating teams seek clarification about the direction of care. Involved clinicians’ personal experiences and background combine to affect the understanding of this query’s response. Its driver is the shared wish to hear the young person and their loved ones’ desires and enabling same. The involved clinicians listen to learn, to align, and to share clinically informed perspectives. There are varied barriers for the young person, their family and health professionals alike in undertaking and subsequently “capturing” such conversations.

An array of tools and guides offering conversation frameworks about end-of life wishes have been developed, trialled and implemented. This presentation will showcase what is available and clinicians’ reflections on usability. Tools, such as a Queensland’s Paediatric Statement of Choices and question-prompt resources emanating from Queensland University of Technology project will be discussed. So too, the National Project devising an Australianised version of the Voicing my Choices tool that is presently underway.

Further, an exploration of tools that can be enlisted to “prime” health professionals’ capacity and capability to “lean into” this space.  An exemplar being the Queensland Children’s Hospital PPCS team utilising the Common Practice Hello game with staff to encourage self- reflection upon individual priorities for living and dying well.   This conversation starter’s use is to encourage engagement by health professionals in discussions with  young people and their families when providing end-of-life care.

An exploration of available and emerging tools and guides to support discussions will be showcased as well as an invitation to reflect upon the place of advance care planning with children and young people with LLC.


  • Ms Alyson Gundry

    Allied Health Clinical Lead - Queensland Children's Hospital,

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